Here we work
View PDFIntroducing the idea that the place where we make a living is above all a place where we live. How long since Jacques Tati recorded M. Hulot walking around a de-humanized workplace? And, yet… Yet, there is still much to do if we want to be able to see our workplace as a shared living space where efficiency and productivity can be fostered. Beyond purely technical features, the idea of "comfort" became essential to our contemporary society.
We chose to focus our practice on wooden construction systems. Beyond environmental and ethical criteria, we are convinced that wood can considerably improve the quality of the workspace. Its materiality, its warmth and its smell are the best ingredients to create a serene and peaceful atmosphere in the workspace. Wooden construction systems bring up rigorous designs which are specific to the timber sector : wooden systems are built on a combinational logic of precise and predetermined elements. This rigor can also be a source of flexibility, mutability and/or reversibility of the different spaces, which generates a building that can last over time.
Today, each project is for us an opportunity to think about more elaborated construction processes and to optimize our management of the project and its costs.